Day 43 13/10 (Wed) – Cape le Grand NP

Waking up early these days. Must be the time difference and lack of daylight saving here. Our neighbours in one of the prime spots, with a view out into the bay were moving out so we plotted to move ourselves into their spot when they’d gone. Successful move with minimal disruption and well worth while. Our other neighbours in the other penthouse position in our bay of 8, offered us their site (sunnier) if we wanted it when they left the next morning but we decided to move into the planned spot anyway. Chris needed mobile coverage so we went looking for some (eventually found it almost half way back to Esperance!) via Thistle Cove and Hellfire Bay.
Thistle Cove was another white sand beach and had dolphins frolicking up and down the shallows. Also “Whistling Rock”, a slightly wave shaped hunk of rock that amplifies the sound of the waves below when you stand in one particular position. Fascinating! Paddling in the shallows was also refreshing as the day was starting to warm up. On to Hellfire Bay and a long walk to the other end and back. Some unattended picnic stuff had been very effectively ravaged by crows – not much bread left! After getting our mobile fix went back and climbed Frenchman Peak (3 km return). Hard slog to the top but enormous caves hollowed out of the peak of the rock and fantastic 360 degree views from the top. Bit interesting with the wind starting to whistle and a very long and unalleviated drop to the ground below if blown off! There was a warning sign at the beginning of the walk about attempting the climb in wet and / or windy conditions. All up managed to get up and down in 50 min with an intervening lunch stop in the big cave near the top. Quick look at Rossiter Bay (named for Captain Rossiter of the French whaling ship Mississippi, who rescued John Edward Eyre on his trek towards the west and enabled him to complete his journey) on the way back to camp. BBQ lamb rump steaks tonight – very good. decided to stay another night and have a lazy day in the sun tomorrow.

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