Day 47 17/10 (Sunday) – Wongan Hills wildflowers

Usual late start but eventually got on the bike and rode down to the Visitor Information Centre. Figured if we were going to be there a couple nights it would be worth finding out where the elusive wildflowers were to be found. Mt Matilda said to be one of the 5 top walks in WA, although probably a couple weeks too early for the real show of colour, and should really be aiming to finish the walk by 11 am (and therefore start before 8 am). Now 11.30am and too hot (hitting low 30s). Filled Chris in on the options when I got back (left him at home to work) and we then drove out to Mt O’Brien Lookout and then on to Reynoldson Reserve (also not yet at its flowering peak) to take a warm fly-laden walk through what wildflowers there were (verticordia – pink and yellow fluffy looking flowers). Chris’s fly net (purchased at the info centre) proved useful so resolved to also get one. Late afternoon on our return so I left himself working again and took off on the bike for a ride up airport road (some nice grevilleas and other coloured flowers along the verges (you can’t half tell I’m no horticulturist) and then around town. Checked out the community pool but was only due to open for the season tomorrow! Late walk to Christmas Rock, just up the road from the caravan park. Still no one in the office so paid another night’s fees to our friendly couple in site 64.

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