Day 14 (14/9) – around Cape Otway

Weather looked slightly dodgy (story of our lives really) so decided on a driving tour of the region +/- walks as they happened. Decided on the “food/wine” trail in the hopes of wine tasting and fresh produce along the way but ended up doing more “waterfalls and rainforest” with the only fresh produce 5 or 10 kg bags of spuds on the way out to Triplet Falls. Skipped the Otway Fly (elevated walkway among the trees) on the basis that it cost money and a helpful guy in a little cafe / garage on the way reckoned in wasn’t worth while and there wasn’t any real rainforest there anyway. Met Blossom the cat in a little cafe on the route. Nonchalantly roaming at will through the place, sitting on any available laps (willing or not – see photo of himself with Blossom), until forcibly removed by staff. Great scones and coffee though.
Running out of time to complete whichever driving loop we were on (all supposed to take 2-5 hours with a full day recommended to get the full benefit from most of them), mostly due to another late start and frequent stops for food and walks (also visited Beauchamp Falls – the power of the water generates its own wind down in the gully). Found ourselves on the Beech Forest Road (part of one of the driving loops but thank goodness we didn’t have the van in tow!) – posted speed limit 20-40 km/hr, exceedingly narrow and twisty road and most enjoyable…. if you were driving a Porsche spyder, rather than a tank, and weren’t constantly expecting a logging truck to turn up just round the next bend.
Thought we’d try for the Grey River Rd from the other end and this actually seemed to work, especially with Brandon on the job (Jen’s replacement, although probably not much better). No koalas spotted until almost back at Kennett River then the trees seemed to be littered with the little buggers. Lovely unsealed muddy and slippery road to get there as well. Back to camp and finally got that BBQ’d steak I’d been hankering after – pretty good too!

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