Day 28 (Tues 28/9) – Deep Creek

Off for a longer walk today….. Maybe?? Weather having trouble making up its mind what to do. Sunny one minute, raining the next, so am writing interim blog entry while awaiting resolution. Kangaroo hopped through camp while sitting contemplating nature (as they do). Need to head out to somewhere civilized today so himself can get his internet fix. Zero mobile coverage here, even with the you beaut yagi aerial. May have to move on a bit more quickly from now on and select carefully where we really want to go, as 3 months is not really that long in the greater scheme of things. Can understand why people might take 12 months or more to do this type of trip. We won’t get up into the more northern Flinders Ranges this trip as the distances and time involved will be just too great. Will try for Mt Remarkable NP though. It’s in the southern Flinders range on the way to Port Augusta (where hopefully we’ll pick uo some mail) and the campground there is also highly recommended – more hot showers! Hopefully if we get there during the week, rather than at a weekend, we’ll find a free site! It is s long weekend in SA this weekend though…..
Found mobile coverage within 2 km of our campsite (&*&%&%#$!!).. Typical! Cape Jervis has ferry terminal and not much else. Could see Kangaroo Island from there though. Nice, even though we’re not going there this trip! Did I mention the cost?? Back towards Yankalilla in search of a bakery and coffee. Found great coffee and lunch in a little coastal town called Normanville – the “Courthouse Cafe”. Very good cauliflower and blue cheese soup with crusty bread…..
Back to Deep /creek in the hopes of getting a walk in. Intermittent sun and rain today and not looking hopeful for coming out of it dry…. but decided to give the Cobbler Hill – Blowhole Beach  circuit a go – only 6.7 km and graded hard (track notes reckoned would take 3.5 hrs). Amazing views out over the ocean towards Kangaroo Island, lots of western grey kangaroos lazing around…… and stayed sunny with the first drops of rain falling only when we were back in the car (1 hr 50 min later – not sure if their estimates of walk duration is way off, or if we’re actually getting fitter – seems unlikely but one can live in hope!). Continued to rain intermittently all night and into the next morning…..

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