Day 35 (5/10 Tues) – Eyre Peninsula

One night enough…. Off to have a look around for the next port of call, first calling in to the Visitor Information Centre – very helpful, then on a search to find a new battery for the remote for the car (not having much luck generally with equipment, although might start a new list for the blog – “Items we have found useful”). Drove down to Lincoln NP. Another amazing outlook! Turquoise shallows, abutting darker deeper water further off the coast, ringing a scrubby sandy coastline. More emus! This time dad and his 11 chicks. All very cute. Campsite at Surfleet Bay almost deserted (one motorhome only) and looked very well set up. No showers but we were resolved to try more hard-core (haha) bush camping and forgo the showers as an experiment. Picnicked next to another shell sand beach and paddled in the shallows. Idyllic except for the horse flies!
Back toward Port Augusta to pick up some fresh fish for the barbie. Few prawns and some nice looking local blue fin tuna will do nicely! Then off to Coffin Bay NP and Yangie campground – will take caravans but no showers. Lot of suicidal lizards on the roads in the this part of the world – guess they like the warm tarmac. Few other people already at the campground but way less crowded than a van park. Set up then opened the next bottle of vino in preparation for the tuna. Plus cheese and crackers of course. Perfect opportunity to try out the solar showers and the pop up shower tent. Needed to supplement the bags with hot water from the kettle (not enough time to heat up properly) and managed to get the shower tent set up after trying a few times to work out how to pack it away again! Pop up tent and requires lot of tricky manoeuvering to get it back into a neat package. Had practiced in the store when I bought it but we haven’t used it until now! All went remarkably well (no hair washing at this attempt) but quite labour intensive and a two person operation to turn the tap on the bag on and off. Sorry, no photos available for public viewing!

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