Day 7 (7/9) Lakes Entrance to Wilsons Promontory

Sort of forgot to mention the minor disaster discovered when we stopped at the van park yesterday. Unfortunately, despite peering quite hard at the fridge when setting out the morning before to ensure all the settings were correct for travel, I neglected to latch the damn door and found various food items rolling around on the floor. Luckily no major spillages although there were some suspicious spots of olive scented oil (presumably from the olive container) as well.
Woke up to a surprisingly sunny (more or less) day. Showered in the very nice amenities (hot water … yum!) then forgot we had bought some bacon for breakfast and had toast and coffee instead. Despite staying hitched up we still only managed to get away by 11am. Needed to stop in town for Chris to get some emergency coriander for the planned green chicken curry that night. Then took a somewhat meandering route westwards to Bairnsdale and then to Sale for lunch via some very small hamlets including a place called Holland’s Landing – extremely flat, green countryside  for miles in all directions. Hollands Landing itself contained a number of ramshackle dwellings aligned along both the main road in and various named dirt roads off to the sides that seemed to peter out into nothing extremely rapidly. You end up at what appeared to be a very well set up boat launching area next to a small caravan park and general store, presumably the raison d’etre for this little place.
Cravings for a large juicy steak went unfulfilled in Sale (sigh) and had to plump for roast lamb instead. Jen the GPS then navigated us out of Sale and onto the A440 towards Foster and “the Prom”. Interesting approach to navigation from this extremely narky GPS madam – “drive 120 km and then turn left”, followed by silence for the next 120 km, apart from once when she chastised Chris for being over the speed limit (not that she gets her information right half the time, and not that I’m bitching because Chris likes her better than me as a navigator either).
Landscape became hillier and more interesting as we moved further west. Wilsons Prom from a distance looked like a low range of mountains across the water from where we were. We were struck by the spectacular scenery once we entered the park (and still sunny!). Lots of road signs indicating wildlife (of all types) but you never expect to see much……. until one lone emu dashing up and down the side of the road, followed by a bunch of suicidal emus, several herds of kangaroos and a sunbaking wombat later…… Found a nice campsite with not too many people around and settled in for the night, only to be joined by another wombat, happily munching grass next to the van and ignoring our presence completely. Chris was in wombat heaven!
Time for the green chicken curry …… which sort of turned into madras chicken curry (and we nearly forgot the coriander), as we didn’t have any green thai curry mix on board after all.

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