The journey begins…..

Day 1 (finally)
After frantic running around preparing for the big trip (despite weeks of prep we still weren’t nearly ready) finally took off into the wild blue yonder at 4.30pm on the first day of spring (1/9). OK, you might be wondering why so late in the day, but by that stage, it was go somewhere, anywhere …, or have a hot shower and a nice lie down and not bother.
Decided we had to get beyond Sydney for the first night’s stop so set the GPS for Bulli Holiday Park (picked randomly from the Caravan Park guide) and tootled at speed down the F3. Really warm day and the temp was still mid-20s well into the early evening. From a route finding perspective, I argued for the Pacific hwy, tunnel and Eastern Distributor, Chris argued for the M7 and the GPS (Jenny) pointed us straight through the middle of Sydney via Silverwater Rd. Surprisingly worked quite well and arrived at our destination (after getting lost in the final 2 minutes) just after 7.25 pm. Just as well really as the park office closed at 7.30! The van once again proved amazingly easy to set up and a supper of bread, cheese and oloves, washed down with several large glasses of red, went down well. Hot shower only 20c for 5 minutes (bonus!). Managed ~180km.
Slept very well…..

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